Symptoms of Anaemia

Symptoms of Anaemia

When you feel out of sorts, it’s easy to blame the weather, your mood, or a busy life schedule. Yet, it could be your body trying to tell you essential signals about what’s going on beneath the surface. One of the body-wide issues it could warn you about is anaemia. Do you know the symptoms of anaemia? Take a look below before determining if iron deficiency testing is right for you!

Commonly overlooked symptoms of anaemia

Some anaemia symptoms will be easier to spot than others. When it comes to this particular condition, many symptoms are easy to overlook or mistake as symptoms of, well, life. For example, two of the most common symptoms of anaemia are tiredness and pale skin. Not exactly strange symptoms to watch for, right?

Another common symptom easily misinterpreted is having heart palpitations. This is the posh term for a thumping or pounding heartbeat. Of course, this is also a symptom of exercise or anxiety. You can see how many people wouldn’t put all these side effects together and immediately think of anaemia!

Sneaky symptoms of anaemia

The good news is that there is still plenty of hope for determining if you have anaemia from your symptoms. There are other noticeable signs that you’re potentially living with anaemia. These include tinnitus, feeling itchy, dealing with restless legs syndrome, and having spoon-shaped nails.

One important detail to remember is that having these anaemia symptoms doesn’t mean that definitely you have a blood issue. It means that your body is trying to tell you something. You should consider iron deficiency testing if you notice a problem with these symptoms.

The importance of listening to your body

Of course, every time you notice any strange symptoms in your body, it’s a signal. Your body is trying to tell you something needs your interaction, and you should listen to it. Listening to your body will never be a bad thing. But it may seem to consider anaemia testing for what feels like “normal” body issues.

Ignoring potential health issues, including anaemia, can have a negative impact on your quality of life. For instance, your immune system could be at risk if you are living with a lack of iron. There is a strong connection between healthy iron levels and strong immunity.

Another important aspect of listening to your body is taking note of what’s happening in your body during a certain point in your life. Some people are at higher risk for anaemia. This list includes women with heavy menstruation or who are pregnant. Living a vegan lifestyle can also put you at a higher risk of living with anaemia.

Keeping track of your lifestyle, including understanding where you may have potential weaknesses, helps you spot a potential health issue early. This enables you to do what you need to help get yourself back to normal. Spotting iron deficiency is a vital example of this in action!

When you regularly track any symptoms you might be having, it gives you impressive power. You can look at how you’re doing and spot any irregularities, too. This may mean you should take a detailed look at your daily diet. Taking stock of that will help you see if something is missing in your nutrient profile.

Is it anaemia or something else?

Dealing with iron deficiency symptoms doesn’t guarantee that you are living with anaemia. It could be something as “mild” as anaemia, which is treatable. But it could be something more serious that needs care. For example, the symptoms of anaemia could also be due to having kidney disease, an autoimmune disease, bleeding in your stomach, and more.

This is part of why iron deficiency testing is so important when looking at what’s going on with your body. If you take this simple, at-home test, you can tell from your results if you are testing at normal iron levels or not. Anything outside of the norm means you should book an appointment with your GP. They will help you to see what’s going on with more precise detail for your medical profile. 

While it can be intimidating to learn that you have abnormal test results, it is always better to know than not know. This is especially when doing what’s best for your long-term health. If you are noticing anaemia symptoms, it might be time to consider an at-home test and get more information.

It’s always a shock to discover that you might be living with anaemia, but it doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Instead, see it as an opportunity to do what’s best for your health profile and get yourself back to your energetic, healthy self!

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